The Turnaround of AOL
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Case Details:
Case Code : BSTR195 Case Length : 19 Pages Pages Period : 2001-2005 Organization : AOL, Time Warner Pub Date : 2006 Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : China
Themes: Corporate Turnaround
Industry : Media,
Entertainment, and
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"AOL's dial-up business is a classic cash cow - hugely profitable today but inexorably declining. Take out AOL's Internet access business, and you still have a new-media powerhouse." 1
- Kevin Werbach, Assistant Professor, Legal Studies and Business Ethics, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 2005.
"We have 110 million unique visitors every month; we are close to being a leading portal already. We have a great stable of brands that we can link together for an improved use as front door. We envision as a new portal that really leverages consumer expertise that we've learned over the years and leverages our existing Web audience." 2
- Joe Redling, Chief Marketing Officer, America Online in 2005.
AOL - Back On Track
In November 2005, the US-based Time Warner, a leading global media and entertainment company, reported an 80% increase in net income in the third quarter of 2005. In the same quarter, net income increased to US$ 897 million as compared to US$ 499 million in the corresponding quarter in 2004 and revenues increased to US$ 10.54 billion from US$ 9.94 billion.
The revenues of America Online (AOL), a division of Time Warner, fell by US$ 100 million US$ 2 billion. This reduction was attributed to the loss of 678,000 dial-up service subscribers in the third quarter, leading to a fall in subscriber revenues to US$ 1.66 billion (Refer Table I for the details of quarter wise revenues and operating income of AOL). However, one positive aspect was the increase in revenues from online ads by 28% to US$ 328 million. Richard Parsons (Parsons), Chairman and CEO, Time Warner, said, "It's a priority for us to accelerate the transition to this audience-based business of our AOL business model, it doesn't mean that we are going to give up the subscriber business. Trends are really favoring growth in online advertising."3
The growth in the advertising business was a result of Parson's plans to establish AOL as an advertising support service rather than an internet access provider. With customers shifting to broadband,4 AOL was losing subscribers rapidly. AOL had 20 million subscribers by 2004, having lost 2.6 million subscribers in a period of one year.
AOL's dial up business, though still profitable, was showing a declining trend in revenues. Parsons' strategy was to keep the dial up business intact, as it generated considerable revenues and also work towards increasing revenues from advertising. His plan was to develop AOL on the lines of Yahoo! and Google by concentrating on the internet advertising revenue model. Time Warner was heavily criticized after it merged with AOL in 2001. Post merger, the share price of AOL Time Warner fell by 60%. There were demands from several quarters to sell off AOL, particularly after the dotcom bubble burst in the early 2000s. At this time, there was a steep decline in the subscriber base of AOL and correspondingly significant reduction of revenues. |
The Turnaround of AOL
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